Thursday, December 9, 2010

Types of leisure programmes

There is an endless range of sporting activities due to the diverse topography of Mexico. Hence, activities that can be done include hiking, trekking, mountaineering, climbing, scuba diving in the Yucatan region. Extreme sports like Bungee jumping and paragliding are also becoming popular in Mexico.

Soccer or futbol is one of Mexico’s favourite sports. The Tigres and the Chivas are Mexico’s most known soccer teams. It is no doubt a form of bringing people together within and across nation’s as well.

Another sport that is popular in Mexico is Lucha Libre, which is free fighting in Spanish. It is a type of professional wrestling that is inspired by American pro-wrestling. The unique aspect of this type of wrestling is that the wrestlers wear masks and does not use their own names. Their identity is to be kept a secret. Only in rare events that the mask of the wrestler is removed, which the crowd is always anticipating.

There are other types of leisure programmes through the dances and music mentioned earlier. The Mexicans do love their entertainment and fun. They embrace their life by enjoying it through fiestas and feasts.

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