Wednesday, December 8, 2010



Initially, my impression of Mexico is not entirely a good one. Like every other human being, I am guilty of stereotyping but through the in-depth discovery of Mexico I have come to understand and appreciate the Mexican culture better. I used to only perceive Mexico as a developing country that has many slums and it is polluted and congested. Little did I know that the culture and background behind this country is extensive.

So now, let me take you on a ride to discover Mexico through this embarkation of a cultural realm!

Mexico at the Southern most tip of the North American continent. It boasts a colourful history and it is one of the rare places that exhibit both strong cultural elements as well as showing signs of modernization. The capital is Mexico City and it is also where majority of the population is.

Currently the population is 112.3 million as of July 2010 and the growth does not seem to be slowing down. It is the 5th largest in the North American continent and the 14th largest in the world.

Mexico got its name from Mexica (also known as Aztecs), an indigenous group that lived in central Mexico in the early 14th Century.

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